Research and Planning

Sunday 25 September 2016

Task Four-Producers and Distributers

The role of Distributors are to market the film to help finance the film. They are often different to the production company of a film and set things such as the release date of a film. They also are responsible for keeping track of ticket sales and sharing the profit to companies who are owed it.

A Production Company handles the cast and scripting of the films. They also help budgeting and supply the talent for the films such as directors and actors. They can be independent or owned by companies like 'motion picture' who act as a parent company.

Paramount Pictures
Image result for paramount ident

Paramount Pictures cooperation is a film production and distribution company. The company is predominantly known for being a distributor and has successfully worked on films such as 'Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull' and Transformers. The company is based in America, Hollywood and is a subsidiary owned by National Amusements (An American Media Conglomerate). There are many divisions of the company, some famously known like MTV Films and Nickelodeon Films. The company has a prestigious reputation and is respected as one of the 'Big Six' film companies. They are also a television production company. Here are the examples of there most famous films.

Forest Gump

Forest Gump was one of Paramount's most successful films, the film took 66 days to surpass 250 million dollars and was the fastest grossing Paramount film to 100, 200 and 300 million at the time of release. The film is regarded as one of the greats by viewers and also critics such as Cinema score who gave it an  A+. However due to high expenses and fees Paramount lost 62 million due to hollywood accounting so the film became known as a successful failure.

As the opening shows the film is a comedy with an element of romance. This is implied by the upbeat non-diogetic soundtrack which connotes comedy. Furthermore the characters dirty shoes suggest he has had an accident which often take place in comedies so audiences can laugh at their expense. The panning low angle camera shots presents the protagonist to the audience as a character suitable to the genre as his costume, a suit and trainers, are not really orthodox. The audience of the film will be young as the film and characters are presnted as innocent. The demographic of the film will have to be 13 or above to view on their own as the film is a PG-13.

Like Forest Gump, Iron Man is one of the most successful films distrubuted by Paramount. The film has made 585.1 million in worldwide grossing and received high rating from respected critics such as rotten tomato (94%). It remains the 7th highest grossing film in North America sine its release. The film is part of the huge Marvel franchise showing that Paramount are involved in mainstream/huge grossing  projects instead of smaller films.

The opening sequence clearly shows the film is of action genre. This is presented by the non-diogetic soundtrack to inform the audience of the narrative. The demographic of the film are likely to be aged between 13-20 year olds as the Marvel franchise is specially popular to these ages. However, despite the film being rated a PG-13 it has appeal to older audiences due to the action and chaos which is created with many different camera shots in the opening.

Overview of Paramount
Paramount Pictures are a company that target high profits and huge film releases such as Titanic and Indiana Jones. They do not produce many coming of age films as they have a smaller demographic as they are stereotypically suited to a smaller age range, however they did distribute 'Ferris Buellers Day Off', which is regarded as a great. The company targets audiences suitable for PG-13 as they are the films that create the most profits in the industry. When I decide who will distribute my film I would probably not use Paramount as they are not particularly prolific in The Coming Of Age genre.

Columbia Pictures
Image result for columbia pictures ident

Columbia Pictures is a production and distribution company and is a subsidiary of japanese giant Sony. They are based is Culver City, California and are were formed in 1918. It is considered as one of the big six studios in the film industry. They have distributed films such as Spider-man and Skyfall. Unlike Paramount they have less top grossing releases but surpassed $4 billion in successes in 2012. There are few divisions in the company and only produce films, not television programmes.

Spider Man is a world renowned superhero character and film which is recognised by most. It made over $400 million at box office and was nominated for several accolades such as MTV Awards and an Academy award. It's success led to two sequels with Marvel and Columbia pictures in Partnership. It is based on well known Marvel comics which drew a huge audience for the release.

The opening scene reveals the narrative will be involved characters at school age. Thos engages audiences of a similar age as they are immersed in the characters life as he is relatable. Furthermore, the demographic of the film are likely to be older as well as young due to the success of the comics nearly 20 years before. The film follows Todorov's equilibrium theory perfectly which shows it is a simple viewing for a potentially young audience. Similar the film is based on values of good vs Evil, a binary opposition, which is perfect for a young audience as the characters are role models.

Overview Of Columbia
Columbia Pictures may be a suitable choice for my film as they target a similar audience (Young people aged between 12-20). Furthermore they have produced several 'coming of age' films such as 'Superbad' and 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off'. This shows they are experienced in the genre and would be a reasonable choice for a new coming of age film. As they are considered as one of the 'big six' it shows the are very successful and any film they distributed will be taken seriously and recognised. 

Fox Searchlight Pictures
Image result for fox searchlight pictures

Fox Searchlight Films is a distribution and sister company to 20th Century Fox. They produce lower grossing films which may not appeal to the larger demographics which make the most at box office. They only distribute motion pictures and are based in Los Angeles, America and are unknown compared to the major studio 20th Century. Despite this they have produced several well received films such as Juno and 127 hours.

127 Hours is an action film based on a true story of struggle. It is known for it's gruesome narrative due to a life threatening situation. The film made 60 million at box office which is small compared to other huge film studios such as Paramount and Universal. Unlike the other films researched, the film is rated a 15 which does not target a demographic which provides the highest profits. Furthermore, as the film is slightly abstract, it will not appeal to as many people as a blockbuster marketed intensely by a big six studio. Lastly, some audiences found it so disturbing to watch, they fainted at the premiere of the trailer!

The opening sequence is different to many of the top grossing films as there is more emphasis on the items than the character. This shows the films made by the smaller companies are more focused on the storyline than the star image of the actors who are in them. The camera footage used is supposed to look amatuer near the end of the opening which further suggests that the directors want it to look honest and present a truthful storyline. Finally, as the film tries to follow the truth, some dramatic action cannot take place which may expand the demographic as they are more likely to be engaged.

Overview Of Fox Searchlight Pictures
Fox searchlight is a minor studio that would be suitable to release a 'coming of age' film, there are several reasons why. Firstly, this genre does not provide the top profits blockbuster films do such as Transformers and the Marvel superhero films as they have a more specific target audience. Smaller studios are more likely to try and stick to a limited demographic as it holds the attention of a specific range of people, similar to coming of age films. Examples of this are Juno and Garden State which are highly rated among their genre but have are nowhere near as successful as the films produced by the 'big six'.

Film4 Productions
Film4 are a British production company owned by Channel 4. It is known for gritty films and backs many british based films. It has had many successful productions such as Inbetweeners and 12 years a slave. It has had few world known films and the demographic of the films are often restricted to the UK as the narrative is often more relevant for viewers living there. However, Slumdog Millionaire changed this and earned nearly 400 million at box office. In 2016 Channel 4 announced they had invested a further 25 million in the company. 


Shaun Of The Dead optimises how film4 targets a british demographic as the film is based in England and contains humour which only people who live in these areas will understand. For example, the main character is played by Simon Pegg who has starred in many British comedies and films like Hot Fuzz which often overlap each other (They are both part of the 'three flavours cornetto trilogy' according to Pegg and Wright). The film made 30 million at box office and is recognised as a comedic horror of recent times.

The opening scene shows the comedic element of the film as the soundtrack contradicts the zombie like characters on the screen. In additional the camera pans constantly to set the scene and inform the audience of the setting. Like I have said, I believe that the demographic for the film is limited to the UK due to the humour. This is what Film4 is known for as it is supporting british films and not seeking to achieve top grossing profits, this makes the studio a minor one.

Overview Of Film4
Film4 would be an ideal production company to use for my film. It has supported films like Submarine in 2010 which is viewed within the 'coming of age' genre. Coming Of Age films are often limited to an age range/ social group whether it's students or a particular gender. Film4 does not think this is a disadvantage and would still produce films with a smaller appeal  to its specific demographic.

Legendary Entertainment
Legendary Entertainment are a American media company based in Burbank, California. They were formed in 2000 so are relatively new to the industry, in 2005 they the agreed to co-produce films with Warner Bros and later made a similar agreement in 2014 with Universal. Since 2016 they have been a subsidiary company to Wanda Group. Despite being a smaller company, they have produced huge films such as interstellar and Inception. The genres of the films they produce are varied with some action and comedy.
Image result for legendary entertainment

 Hangover is one of the most popular films produced by Legendary. It was so successful two sequels followed the initial release. The film made $467 million at box office and even won a golden globe. It is rated a 15 due to some of the comedy elements of the film when released in 2009. Along with this it is the fifth most successful  R rated movie ever in America.

The opening is engaging from the off as the disrupted equilibrium is shown in the first 2 minutes. As the film is a comedy, it needs to start quickly so it will appeal to the audiences humour early on. Long and wide camera shots are used at the end of the opening to set the scene and inform the audience of the situation. These panning high angle shots allow the film to begin quickly so the audience remain interested.

Overview Of Legendary
Despite covering several genres, Legendary are not known for 'coming of age' films. They are a successful company with releases like Jurassic Park but may not be a suitable choice for several reasons. Firstly, most of the films produced are American and based there. The film I produce will not be set in America and the production company my not fit the image of the film. However, they target a similar demographic and are less mainstream than Warner Bros etc.

What Have I Learnt
I have realised it is essential that the company I choose fit the stereotypes of coming of age films and fit the image of the production. A company like Paramount may not be suitable as they target genre which make higher profits. Film4 may be a perfect company to use as they are known for british productions as well as different genres. Columbia and Fox searchlight have worked within 'coming of age' films so If I was to chose a bigger production/distribution company they would fit the bill. Lastly', box office sales are what judges a good company and this is why the 'big six' are recognised as the best.

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