Research and Planning

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Checklist For My Opening Sequence

  • Only include essential information in the opening eg Companies, Directors and Main Actors
  • Important to use a soundtrack which is relevant to the target demographic
  • Correct order of institutional information- Companies followed by directors or Actors
  • Make sure the protagonist is the focus of the camera therefore the focus of the viewer
  • Clear audio is essential for a high quality sequence
  • Check footage after shooting to make sure it is to a high standard
  • Film in LANDSCAPE at all times 
  • Characters speak at the correct speed and clearly
  • Follow the 180 degree rule at all times, unless intentionally breaking
  • Check who is in the background of shots so the continuity flows well
  • Use clothing that represent the social group of the character
  • Use Match On Action seamlessly
  • Don't overlap action with text so the audience is fully engaged in narrative
  • Large variety of shots including less common ones
  • Ask for constructive criticism to improve my sequence
  • Use correct production or distribution company (Film 4) 
  • Enigma Codes to engage viewer
  • Voiceover may be an effective way to reveal narrative 
  • Use stereotypes to my advantage so the audience understands character traits
  • Target my genre and demographic specifically using codes and conventions
  • Introduce the main characters in the opening (Hero, Donor)
  • Use shorter shots for impact
  • Use a font like conveys the genre 
  • Place cast and crew in descending order of importance
  • Use Binary Oppositions to develop narrative
  • Add emphasise on diogetic sound the audience need to hear
  • Costume presents the character is the right way as it will be the first judgement on character
  • Put enough time into the opening to achieve a high grade
  • Do not use too many effects like slow motion as they are not used in coming of age films often

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