Research and Planning

Thursday 17 November 2016

Camera Movement Research

Despite heavy research, there are several movements that we have not come across or practiced. To add atmosphere and tension, we will need to explore different techniques to show the protagonists struggle. This shot is very useful as the pull focus allows us to focus on the protagonist and blur the surroundings, implying he is protagonist and the narrative will be about him and his life. It can also suggest the lack of clarity the character has about his position as the audience can not see clearly as well. The video above shows the use and how to successfully use the shot.

Here is an example of the technique in Jurassic Park. The shot allows the audience to see the item which the characters are memorised by without the distraction of the people and setting behind. This helps immerse the viewer in the narrative as the camera movement benefits there view.

This clip gives an overview of many techniques which we will use, for example point of view. We will use this as a guide to help and explore new shots for the opening.

This diagram shows us the different heights and what they are called. A low angle shot often is associate with portraying power and authority. In contrast, A high angle shot can be used to show the character as weak and unstable. This could be used to show that our character is ill and needs support for his illness. We are unlikely to use a birds eye view shot due to the equipment and resources we have when filming the opening, as this would require a view from very high up. Therefore, our opening is likely to consist of neutral shot mostly as it is easily accessible for us.

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